Devil's Angel..

lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

The Tune of the Seven Towers.

No one goes there now:
For what is left to fetch away.
From the desolate battlements all arow,
and the lead roof heavy and grey?
"Therefore", said fair Yoland of the flowers,
this is the Tune of the Seven Towers.

No one walks there now;
except in the white moonlight.
The white ghosts walk in a row;
if one could see it, an awful sight,
Listen ! said fair Yoland of the flowers,
this is the Tune of the Seven Towers.

But none can see them now.

Though they sit by the side of the moat,
feet half in the water, there in a row.
Long hair in the wind afloat.
"Therefore" said fair Yoland of the flowers,
this is the Tune of the Seven Towers.

If any will go to it now,
he must go to it all alone.
Its gates will not open to any row
of glittering spears ¿will you go alone?
Listen ! said fair Yoland of the flowers,
this is the Tune of the Seven Towers.

Be my love, go there now,

to fetch me my coif away.
My coif and my kirtle, with pearls arow.
Oliver, go today!
"Therefore" said fair Yoland of the flowers,
this is the Tune of the Seven Towers.

I am unhappy now,
I cannot tell you why.
If you go the priest and I in a row,
will pray that you may not die.
"'Listen !" said fair Yoland of the flowers,
this is the Tune of the Seven Towers.

If you will go for me now
I will kiss your mouth at last,
(She sayeth inwardly)
(The graves stand grey in a row)
Oliver, hold me fast !
"Therefore" said fair Yoland of the flowers,
this is the Tune of the Seven Towers.


Sobre el negro rincón acosa
la sombra de los cuervos al mediodía,
rozando la cierva en agria algarabía,
puede verse cuán huraños reposan.

Oh cómo agitan la sombría calma
en un campo que extasía,
cual mujer que grave intuición cautiva;
puede oírse cuando regañan

por carroña, que por allí han de oler,
y vuelven de pronto al norte el vuelo;
como un cortejo se pierden en el cielo,
en aires que tiemblan de placer....

Es cuestión de una mirada.